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via Papua New Guinea
Please note -- Whilst all care has been taken in preparing and maintaining the FAQ's about Papua New Guinea it is not possible to be able verify every answer. The information is provided 'as is' and I can not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from the use of this information.
Please verify the information for yourself from a government source, travel agent or other similar organisation.
This database does not contain information about other countries. It is only about Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Photographs List of Categories
Do you have a possible inclusion for the PNG Photographic category of these FAQ? If you do then please let me know.
- Do I have to pay to take photos of PNG people?
- Can I get batteries for my camera / mobile phone etc?
- Can I get photos developed from memory cards in PNG?
- Where can I find a general list of web sites displaying pictures about PNG?
- Where can I find pictures of PNG aeroplanes?
- Where can I find PNG Dive and Underwater pictures?
- I am thinking of visiting New Ireland. Where can I find picture before I leave?
- Where can I find pix or movies of the volcanoes in Rabaul?
- Where can I find photos taken by Steve and Monica Parker?
- Where can I find photographs of Ukarumpa -- the location of SIL's base in PNG?
- What does Eagle, Kwila and Ebony wood look like?
- Do you have any photos of Wuvulu, as I was born there in 1964 - would love to see what it looks like now. My dad was managing 'Agita plantation'up til 1965 when they moved to Australia. would like to know also if the old house I was born in is still there? Any info would be fantastic. Thanks.
- As a collector how can I get a Picture of Euclid Trucks in the Panguna Mine ?
- Do you have any photos around Karawari Lodge?
- Do I have to pay to take photos of PNG people?
Not usually especially if you have paid admission to a cultural event or show but it is polite to ask permission if you are out on the road somewhere. Some people do make a living out of being photographed so you may have to hand over the equivalent of a quarter or so.
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- Can I get batteries for my camera / mobile phone etc?
The answer is maybe. It depends on what type of batteries. It is probably better to bring along several spare sets unless you have a charger for your device and then make sure the device works from 240 Volt AC power or maybe a car cigarette lighter. The real answer is be prepared bring spare batteries even if you have a charger.
Note: Most modern chargers will work from 110 - 250 volts AC at 50 to 60 Hertz but CHECK to avoid disappointment.
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- Can I get photos developed from memory cards in PNG?
Yes, a couple of places in Port Moresby offer the service but I am unsure of other provinces. If you plan to visit then purchase more memory cards.
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- Where can I find a general list of web sites displaying pictures about PNG?
Try http://www.geocities.com/skyfdn/PNGpics.html
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- Where can I find pictures of PNG aeroplanes?
http://www.michie.net/misc/pxplanes.html. There are many more as well.
- http://www.michie.net/trevor/vh-udy(1).html
- http://www.michie.net/trevor/vh-uou(1).html
- http://www.michie.net/trevor/vh-abj(1).html
- DC3 photographs
- You can also search for planes at http://www.michie.net/balus
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- Where can I find PNG Dive and Underwater pictures?
There are many sites but as a starter try --
- http://www.papuanewguineatravel.com/photo_gallery/photo_gallery.htm
- http://www.marlin1charters.com.au/gallery.html
- http://www.uswet.com/papua.html
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- I am thinking of visiting New Ireland. Where can I find picture before I leave?
Try -- http://www.ida.liu.se/~g-robek/PNG-NiuAilan.htm
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- Where can I find pix or movies of the volcanoes in Rabaul?
Rabaul Volcanoes
Try the following web sites
- http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/volc_images/img_rabaul.html
- http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/PapuaNewGuinea/Rabaul/tavurvur_videos.html
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- Where can I find photos taken by Steve and Monica Parker?
Steve and Monica have some thumbnails of their photographs on line at http://wbtparker.apexwebsolutions.com/gallery/index.php -- to view the full size version requires free registration.
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- Where can I find photographs of Ukarumpa -- the location of SIL's base in PNG?
Try -- http://wbtparker.apexwebsolutions.com/gallery/categories.php?cat_id=7. This site requires registration to see the lerger images.
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- What does Eagle, Kwila and Ebony wood look like?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words but seeing the real thing is even better.
Eagle wood has many names -- a picture of Aloeswood, Aloes wood, Agar wood, Agarwood, Gaharu, Jin koh, Jinko, Eagle wood, Oud, Ood, Ud can be found at -- http://www.oller.net/aloes_desc.htm. I have not had a chance to find pictures of the others (Kwila and Ebony). Perhaps someone reading this can point the FAQ's in the right direction??
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- Do you have any photos of Wuvulu, as I was born there in 1964 - would love to see what it looks like now. My dad was managing 'Agita plantation'up til 1965 when they moved to Australia. would like to know also if the old house I was born in is still there? Any info would be fantastic. Thanks.
Sorry. No but try http://www.wuvulu.com
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- As a collector how can I get a Picture of Euclid Trucks in the Panguna Mine ?
Sorry, I do not have any photographs but perhaps a reader might. I looked but was unsuccessful.
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- Do you have any photos around Karawari Lodge?
Have you tried -- http://www.pngtours.com/lodge2.html
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These pages need your help - If you know an answer to a FAQ about PNG that isn't here or is here and is wrong please let me know. Ask a question - Submit a questionPlease note that this is not "Ask Jeeves" - you cannot type a whole sentence as your query. Enter a word, a phrase, or several words and press search.
Please remember that this is a FAQ database about Papua New Guinea.
Doing a search for PNG or New Guinea or even P.N.G will probably not return much. Keep the search simple. i.e. if you want to find out the population simply enter "population" without the quotes. There is no need to have PNG / P.N.G or whatever in the search string.
Also - Spelling is important searching for 'inkom' will not return items related to 'income'