Tok Pisin Dictionary
Neo Melanesian
via Papua New Guinea
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This country and its education system has been without dictionaries for many years. The only dictionary of Melanesian Pidgin to English and English to Melanesian Pidgin has been out of print since the 1970's. The Jacaranda Dictionary and Grammar of Melanesian Pidgin by F. Mihalic S.V.D. is often available over the Internet (try Amazon). The dictionary is a vital tool in the education process of training people to speak, read and write the Melanesian Pidgin language.


The PNG Gossip Newsletter also has a list of Tok Pisin to English words at the start of every edition. Here is a sample

Tok Pisin English
hangre hungry
hangre long dring thirsty
hani honey
kaikai food
kaikai long moning breakfast
kaikaim bite / eat
jem jam
karet carrot
kari curry
kastet custard
kek cake
kiau egg
kindam crayfish
kokonas coconut
aisblok iceblock
aiskrim ice-cream
bret bread
draibisket cracker

Thanks to the PNG Gossip Newsletter for permission to use their material.

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Created 19 Jan 2005
Updated 10 Feb 2014

©2005 - 2014 Trevor Michie