PRE History
Prior to 1973 PNG's major internal air services were provided by the Australian carriers, Ansett and Trans Australia Airways (TAA). Earlier on QANTAS provided services as well.
Ansett has since gone out of business and TAA is now part of QANTAS.
With the creation of the National Airline Commission, Air Niugini was formed – although, if the competition launched by a local PNG newspaper was any indication, the favourite name for the National Airline was Kumul Air Services.
 Old Air Niugini Logo


General Manager Ralph Conley. Mr Conley died in November 2014
Air Niugini services were inaugurated on the 1st of November 1973, when flight PX100 left Port Moresby en route to Lae, Rabaul and Kieta. Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, then Chief Minister of the Territories, cut the ribbon.
Schedule 3 (December 1973) shows eight (8) F27’s and two (2) DC3’s flying to Buka, Bulolo, Jayapura, Daru, Goroka, Garaiana, Gurney, Mount Hagen, Honiara, Hoskins, Kieta, Kavieng, Kokoda, Lae (city), Losuia, Madang, Manus Island, Munda, Port Moresby, Popondetta, Rabaul, Talasea, Vanimo, Vivigani and Wewak. See 1973 Route Map and Fare Guide. Old Tickets
In its first year Air Niugini carried 350,000 passengers (85,000 more than forecast) and flew more than 27,000 hours.
 First Day Cover - PX Inaugural Flight PX 100


General Manager Ralph Conley.
Air Niugini was able to make a profit in its first calendar year of operation.
With no road linking the capital Port Moresby to other centres and the immense distances and time constraints associated with shipping, few airlines in the world play such a crucial role in the country's economy and basic transport needs as Air Niugini.

General Manager Ralph Conley.
Two Boeing 727’s were wet leased (with crew and maintenance services) from Ansett and TAA to serve the Brisbane – Port Moresby route while a Boeing 707 wet leased from QANTAS was used on the weekly service to Manila and Hong Kong. Fokker Friendships (F27’s) were used between Port Moresby and Cairns.
November Air Niugini becomes first international operator to fly to Cairns. the old Ansett Terminal was partitioned off to allow for the arrival and clearance of international passengers.

Chairman of NAC Paul Pora.
General Manager C Bryan Grey took over from Ralph Conley. Note:- Bryan Grey passed away in Hamilton, Victoria, Australia his funeral was on the 12th of May 2001.
First orders were placed for four Fokker F28’s and Sydney was added to the list of International Destinations.
Data Processing Department Setup.
February first proving flight Boeing B720.
February last regular TAA flight – VH-TJA.
February last regular Ansett flight – VH-RMF.
March -- Bryan Grey takes over as General Manager.
July -- First Paradise Magazine (Issue number 1). Other Paradise pages
October -- Sydney Sales office opened on the corner of King and George Streets. Bryan Costello first Sydney Manager.
August -- Last DC3 withdrawn from service (1 Aug).
November -- First F28 service from Port Moresby to Lae / Madang / Kavieng and Kieta.
November -- First mainframe computer installed and commissioned.
Air Niugini bought out Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) and QANTAS shares in the airline.

Minister for Transport, Works and Supply -- Mr. Bruce Jephcott.
Chairman NAC -- Paul Pora.
General Manager -- (Charles) Bryan Grey.
First two Fokker F28’s arrive. The first had, as part of the crew, First Officer Aria Bouraga, the first Papua New Guinean to complete F28 training and obtain turbo-jet endorsement.
First Papua New Guinean Licenced Engineer -– Komini Kanawi (DC3’s).
31 January Last Boeing B720 flight P2-ANG (off PNG Register 2nd February 1977).
First Boeing B707 flight P2-ANH.
April First Boeing B707 flight to Hong Kong taking 6 hours and 10 minutes. The assistant to the PX General Manager, Bart Philemon was on board.
Early 1977 Inaugural Kagoshima Flight -- Japan.
July 15th -- Air Niugini Haus officially opened.
31st -- DC3 era officially ended on the 31 st of July.
Staff Cafeteria at Air Niugini Haus opens. Tenders called for construction of 45 houses at Korobosea. Another 63 houses and 42 flats will be built later.
Lost Baggage – mentioned in Parliament – for every 1460 passenger only one bag is lost. Internally for every 480 passengers one bag is lost. Qantas statistics at the same time mentioned one lost bag for every 370 passengers.
Turbo prop YS11 chartered to cope with Christmas rush from All Nippon Airways.

General Manager -- C Bryan Grey.
One of the most significant achievements for 1978 was when Captain Minson Peni became the first Papua New Guinean to take command of an all PNG crew in a Fokker F27. His co-pilot was Lekwa Gure now a Captain of the Boeing B767 flagship.

General Manager -- Gerald S Fallscheer.
Mounted P2-ANQ “Larry Blackman” outside Air Niugini House.
Air Niugini added two more F28’s and two Boeing 707s to its fleet.
May Boeing B707 P2-ANA onto PNG Register 28 May 1979.
July Introduction of Boeing B707 flights to Honolulu, Singapore via Jakarta flights.
September Boeing B707 -- P2-ANB onto PNG Register 27 Sep 1979.

General Manager Mr Joseph Tauvasa, the former Director of PNG Civil Aviation, took over from Mr Gerald Fallscheer and became the first Papua New Guinean General Manager.
Air Niugini entered a tripartite agreement with Cathay Pacific and Philippine Airlines to fly scheduled passenger and cargo services between Hong Kong , Manila and Port Moresby.
South Pacific Festival of Arts held in PNG.
October first PX Fokker F28 – Port Moresby to Brisbane (P2-ANF).
November Second Licenced Papua New Guinean Aircraft Engineer -- Eddie Matane F28 Spey Engines.

General Manager -- Mr Joseph Tauvasa.
March First Dual Licenced Papua New Guinean Aircraft Engineer – Eddie Matane F28 Spey Engines and Airframe.
September P2-ANN -- Dash 7 onto PNG register.
December Introduction of De Havilland Canada Dash 7 aircraft to internal routes.
Total of three Dash 7 aircraft delivered and entered service.
National Airline Commission purchases Air Niugini shares held by Ansett.

Minister for Civil Aviation -- Tom Pais.
National Airline Commission Chairman -- Bart Philemon.
General Manager -- Joseph J Tauvasa.
Fourth Dash 7 delivered. - April 1982 P2-ANP Dash 7 aircraft onto PNG Register.
In partnership with Air New Zealand and Cathay Pacific, Air Niugini begins flying a direct service linking Auckland, Port Moresby and Hong Kong.
Air Niugini became involved in the Middle East, ferrying Fijian peace keeping forces to Lebanon and Sinai in Boeing B707’s.

Civil Aviation Minister -- Sir Iambakey Okuk.
Chairman NAC-- Bart Philemon.
General Manager -- Joseph J Tauvasa.
Dash 7’s begin regular scheduled flights to Kiunga, Mendi and Kundiawa (and later Tari).
F28 service to Hoskins begins.
Air Niugini signs three year management contract with KLM, employing four executives from the Dutch airline.
May Air Niugini’s ICL computer was sold to Royal Brunei Airlines and replaced by a Fujitsu Facom M180 mainframe computer worth about K2 million. Mr Bart Philemon the chairman of the National Airline Commission pressed the button to officially activate the new computer system.
December Last PX Fokker F28 flight Brisbane to Port Moresby (P2-ANE).

General Manager -- Masket Iangalio replaced Joseph Tauvasa.
May -- Pope John Paul II flew in an Air Niugini Fokker F28 from Mount Hagen to Honiara. The interior of the plane was modified for such an important occasion.
Completed sale of Boeing B707’s.
Remaining four Fokker F27’s sold.
November First PX Airbus A300 (P2-ANG – 27 Nov).
Fleet consisted of five F28’s 1000s, three Dash 7s and the Airbus A300 on lease from TAA.
Eddie Matane checked out as qualified Boeing B707 Flight Engineer. Eddie later converted to the Airbus A300.

General Manager -- Masket Iangalio.
Stopped flying the direct service linking Auckland, Port Moresby and Hong Kong.
Home Ownership Scheme Introduced by Masket Iangalio.
Last PX Boeing B707 flight (P2-ANB).
September PNG Celebrates its 10th year of Independence.

General Manager -- Dieter Seefeld takes over from Masket Iangalio.
Air Niugini declared an operating profit of K7.6 million for the year.
The first five national cadets for the National Pilot Training Scheme were selected.
A new Airbus was provided by TAA to replace the original Airbus.
The fleet then comprised of an Airbus A300B / Five Fokker F28’s 1000 / 3 Dash 7’s.

Chairman of NAC -- Michael Bromley.
General Manager -- Dieter Seefeld.
P2-ANG Big Bird A300 (air niugini in lowercase).
One Dash 7 sold and a Fokker F28 1000 purchased during the year.

Minister for Civil Aviation -- Hon Bernard Vogae OBE and later Sir Hugo Berghuser MBE.
Chairman of NAC -- Michael Bromley.
General Manager -- Dieter Seefeld.
Lekwa Gure First Papua New Guinean Airbus Captain.

Chairman National Airline Commission Mr Mekere Morauta and Joe Tauvasa.
General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
Modernised Ragiana Bird of Paradise becomes the Air Niugini new corporate logo. This logo suited all aircraft types not just the widebody Airbus.

March -- Last PX Airbus A300 flight (P2-ANG – 11 Mar) - MSN 134.
March -- First PX Airbus A310 flight (P2-ANA) MSN 378.
November -- First PX Boeing B737 flight (G-BTEB).

Chief Executive and General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
March -- Last PX Boeing B737 flight (G-BTEB).
Planning underway to replace Air Niugini’s computerised reservation system hosted by Qantas (QANTAM).

Chief Executive and General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
9th South Pacific Games -- Air Niugini ran a shuttle service of Fokker F28’s to move athletes at the opening ceremony in Port Moresby to event centres in Lae. The Game Events were split between Port Moresby and Lae.
January - 2nd Airbus A310 delivered (P2-ANG MSN 549).
July 15th birthday of Paradise in-flight magazine.

Chief Executive and General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
In 1992 Air Niugini transferred from Qantam to the Gabriel Reservation System based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. All messages on the system travel to Atlanta and return, even if it is from one office in Port Moresby to another. The SITA network is used for the transmission of data using specially developed airline protocols develop long before the Internet was thought of.
October -- Fokker F28-4000 P2-AND (MSN 11118) into service.
Air Niugini carried 125,000 international passengers and 570,000 domestic passengers.
During 1992 / 1993 the Air Niugini mainframe computer was upgraded in several stages to a Fujitsu M1600 model.

Chairman National Airline Commission -- Sir Mekere Morauta.
Chief Executive / General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
Fleet Airbus A310, F28 1000, F28 4000 and Dash 8 aircraft.
Flying internationally to Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Jayapura, Singapore, Manila and Hong Kong.
Air Niugini organizes first travel industry road show to tour four Australian cities Brisbane; Sydney; Melbourne and Cairns publicising holidays in PNG. It took 4 days and Asaro Mud man Henry Sibuno from Komonibi village in the Asaro valley tagged along.
20th Anniversary of Air Niugini

Fleet consisted of:- 2 x A310 / 1 x F28-4000 / 7 x F28-1000 / 2 x Dash 7.

Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation -- Hon Avusi Tanao.
Chairman National Airline Commission -- Sir Mekere Morauta.
Chief Executive and General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
First Papua New Guinean Director of Flight Operations -- Lekwa Gure.
December Fokker F28-4000 P2-ANI into service.
Flying internationally to Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Jayapura, Singapore, Manila and Hong Kong.

Chief Executive and General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld.
31 May 1995 - Incident involving P2-ANH at Madang
September -- Brisbane International Terminal opens.
Flying internationally to Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Jayapura, Singapore, Manila and Hong Kong.
Flying Domestically to Buka, Daru, Goroka, Gurney, Hoskins, Kavieng, Kundiawa, Lae, Madang, Manus, Mendi, Moro, Mt Hagen, Popondetta, Port Moresby, Rabaul, Tabubil, Tari, Vanimo, Wapenamanda and Wewak.
PNG celebrates its 20th year of Independence.

Minister for Civil Aviation -- Hon Michael Nali.
Chairman -- Joe Tauvasa.
A/g Chairman -- Madiu Andrew.
Chief Executive and General Manger -- Dieter Seefeld succeeded by Moses Maladina during the year.
March First F28 service to Gurney (Alotau) Milne Bay Province.
June National Executive Council (Cabinet) approved the Corporatisation of the National Airline Commission.
August Air Niugini Pty Limited (ANPL) incorporated on the 7 th of August.
September Trading operations transferred to ANPL now ANL.
November -- Lekwa Gure Approved as Airbus Check Captain.
Flying Dash 7’s F28 1000, F28 4000 and A310.
Flying internationally to Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Jayapura, Singapore, Manila and Hong Kong.

Chief Executive and Managing Director -- Moses Maladina.
March Fokker F28-4000 P2-ANJ into service.
April First Dash 8 aircraft arrives.
May Second Dash 8 aircraft arrives.
June DH8-202 P2-ANK into service.
17 Nov 1997 - P2-ANH msn 11022 - damaged beyond repair at Nadzab, Lae, PNG after an undercarriage failure.
November -- Lekwa Gure appointed Fleet Captain Check and Training Standards (Airbus / F28 / Dash 8).
First Air Niugini Web Site Launched –
Flying Dash 7’s, Dash 8’s, F28 1000, F28 4000 and A310.

Chairman of NAC -- Michael Bromley.
Managing Director -- Andrew Ogil.
a/g Managing Director -- Chris Mek.
July Y2K ready version of Cargo System cut over.
December Passenger Reservation and Departure Control System declared Y2K ready.
Flying Dash 8’s, F28 1000, F28 4000 and A310.

Chairman of ANL -- Philip Kapal.
Managing Director -- Andrew Ogil.
Air Niugini leased an RJ75 (BAE146) from National Jet Systems in Australia to cater for the Christmas peak period.
International Routes Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Manila and Singapore.
Fleet Airbus A310, F28 1000, F28 4000 and Dash 8 aircraft.

Minister for Privatisation & Corporate Affairs -- Hon Vincent Auali.
Managing Director -- Andrew Ogil (from Sept Peter Roberts).
Flying Dash 8’s, F28 1000, F28 4000 and A310 Airbus.
Y2K completed successfully at a minimum of expenditure PX passed the Y2K test with flying colours.
July - Geneva Airline Operations System goes live.
September 2000 - P2-ANJ makes The Drum --

Minister for Privatisation & Corporate Affairs -- Hon Vincent Auali.
Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Sir Michael Bromley KBE.
Chief Executive Officer -- Peter Roberts.
November -- Lekwa Gure appointed General Manager Flight Operations and Chief Pilot.
Flying Dash 8’s, F28 1000, F28 4000 and A310 Airbus.

Minster for Transport -- Hon Don Polye.
Minister for Privatisation & Corporate Affairs -- Hon Vincent Auali.
Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Sir Michael Bromley KBE.
Chief Executive Officer -- Peter Roberts.
April Fokker F28-4000 P2-ANR (MSN 11207) into service.
August Boeing B767-319ER (MSN 24875) arrives as ZK-NCE (for one year).
November Fokker F28-4000 P2-ANS (MSN 11195) into service.
Flying Dash 8’s, F28 1000, F28 4000 and A310 Airbus followed by Boeing B767 in August.

Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Joe Tauvasa.
Chief Executive Officer -- Rod Nelson.
August Boeing B767-319ER (MSN 24875) transferred to PNG register as P2-ANG (from New Zealand Register ZK-NCE).
November DH8-202 P2-ANX (MSN-463 // 5 Nov 2003) and P2-ANY (MSN-536) into service.
Information Technology installs a wireless Wide Area Network to serve Engineering, Air Freight, Commercial and Engineering Training, Commercial Stores, Catering, International and Domestic Terminals.

Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Joe Tauvasa.
Chief Executive Officer -- Rod Nelson.
March - last Air Niugini Fokker F28 left Cairns airport for Port Moresby.
June Fokker F100 - VH-FWH arrives.
September Fokker F100 P2-ANA (MSN 11358) arrives.
December F100 VH-FWH returns due to unavailability of P2-ANB.
Air Niugini experienced a 6.6% growth in domestic passenger numbers and a 12.4% increase in the international market.
Appointed General Sales Agents (GSA) in Stockholm and London.

Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Joe Tauvasa.
Chief Executive Officer -- Rod Nelson.
April -- Introduction of e-ticketing for Staff.
May Fokker F100 P2-ANB arrives -- 1st revenue service was on the same day (15th May) Port Moresby to Cairns.
June DH8-202 P2-ANZ (MSN 421) into service.
August P2-ANB (MSN 11049) first F100 flight into Madang (20th August).
October -- Optical cable installed between floors of Air Niugini House.
Air Niugini names its Boeing B767 flagship P2-ANG -- “Bulolo” -- as a tribute to the town of Bulolo, a place that can be truly described as the cradle of Papua New Guinea aviation, where aviation in the country really began.
November -- (1st) Rei Logona appointed to General Manager Service Delivery position

Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Jimmy Tjeong.
January - CEO -- Rod Nelson departs.
GM Engineering and Maintenance -- Graham Hills, departs.
May - GM Finance -- Wasantha Kumarasiri appointed to CEO’s position.
May - GM Marketing -- Jeff Murdoch appointed.
18th July - First Fokker F100 RPT scheduled service to Buka. Operated by Capt. Mike Rosier, Capt. Naime Aihi and First Officer Paul Boga in P2-ANB (msn 11349).
Aug GM Flight Operations -- John Cappelletti Departs.
8th August -- Air Niugini recommences flights to Hong Kong (via Manila).
October -- Singapore office reservations access cut over to embeded PC's and flat screen monitors. Rest of network to follow.
October -- Captain Danny Wanma appointed as GM Flight Operations.
International Routes -- Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Manila, Hong Kong (via Manila), Tokyo and Singapore.
Flying domestically to Buka, Goroka, Gurney, Hoskins, Kavieng, Kundiawa, Lae, Madang, Manus, Mendi, Moro, Mt Hagen, Popondetta, Port Moresby, Rabaul (Tokua), Tabubil, Tari, Vanimo, Wapenamanda and Wewak.
December - Bombardier Dash 8-315 arrives from Jordan and is registered as P2-ANM (Aircraft msn = 523) - Official launch 12 Dec 2006
20th December - Air Niugini launches online bookings (over the Internet) The then CEO of PX, Wasantha Kumarasiri, at the launch of Air Niugini's first online booking engine

Chief Executive -- Wasantha Kumarasiri. Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Jimmy Tjeong.
5th January -- Air Niugini sets up General Sales Agency in Suva, Fiji.
8th January -- Air Niugini introduces new Bag Tag and Boarding pass printers at Jackson's Domestic Check in counters. (IER equipment). Boarding Passes now have a 2D barcode which can be read by a suitable barcode reader.
International Routes -- Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Manila, Hong Kong (via Manila), Tokyo and Singapore.
Air Niugini is expecting the arrival of Fokker F100 msn 11264 - P2-ANE and msn 11351 - P2-ANF
20th March 2007 - Last commercial flight of P2-ANJ - Fokker F28 - 4000 msn 11219 ?
23rd March 2007 - Inaugural flight via Honaira to Nadi using Fokker F100
International Routes are now -- Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Honiara, Manila, Hong Kong (via Manila), Tokyo, Singapore and Nadi, Fiji
10th July - P2-ANQ finally lands ready for a clean before its next flight. 
September - GM Marketing -- Jeff Murdoch leaves the company - Dominic Kaumu acts in his position.
September - Air Niugini "wet leases" a Boeing B767 from Air Macau - Reg B-MAW (24798) - as a temporary replacement for returned B767 (24785)
Rei Logona moves to head Planning & Special Projects as General Manager. Rakum Peni now GM Service Delivery
October - Air Niugini leases a Boeing B757 from Iceland Air to carry out the Fiji / Honaira route - Reg - TF-FII (24760). Retired Fokker F28-4000 P2-ANR (MSN 11207) still operating on some routes (i.e. POM GKA POM)
 Boeing B757 - TF-FII
November - Air Niugini Engineering carry out first change of a Fokker F100 engine outside Port Moresby at Hoskins. The engineering team had to ford rivers and enlist the help of the PNG Defence force. During the time the plane was on the ground at Hoksins the runway was closed to jet operations and special dispensation had to be obtained before the plane was allowed to leave for Port Moresby. Eddie Matane was one of the Engineers carrying out the work.
 Battling poor light
 Fording rivers
December - Rei Logona leaves the company.
Air Niugini leases Airbus A310 CS-TDI (MSN 573) from White Airlines in Portugal. This aircraft was previously used by TAP Air Portugal. Boeing B767 B-MAW returned to Viva Macau.

Chief Executive -- Wasantha Kumarasiri. Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Jimmy Tjeong.
Air Niugini has announced extra aircraft for the New Year.
18 Apr 2008 - inaugural POM - SYD direct flight using an Embraer 190 - Wet leased from Skyairworld (See picture) 19 Apr 2008 - SYD - POM using Embraer 190
The following information is from David Charlton at SkyAirWorld -- The Aircraft is an Embraer E-190, VH-SXK, MSN 1900154 in a 10 Business Class and 84 Economy Class Layout. The aircraft was delivered new in Brazil in March 2008.
9 May 2008 - Air Niugini takes delivery of MSN 24541 ex TF-LLA - This Boeing B767 -366ER aircraft is wet leased from Iceland Air. This plane first flew on the 25th of July 1989. Previoulsy registered as - TF-LLA, E3-AAO, N73730 and SU-GAO - - Also see images here on this web site.
July 2008 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Papua New Guinea’s national carrier, Air Niugini, today announced that the airline has ordered a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. In addition to the direct order placed with Boeing, Air Niugini will lease a second 787 Dreamliner from the Icelandair Group. Thanks to David Scott @ Boeing for that update.
29 Sep 2008 -- Domestic fuel surcharge increased to - K137.00 per sector from - K77.00 per sector.
Air Niugini has also announced it will suspend its service to Narita (Tokyo - Japan)
Oct 2008 -- Air Niugini announces direct flights to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, they also announced they will operate a direct flight to Hong Kong on Monday and flights to Manila on Tuesday and Saturday. An additional flight to Honiara will also commence soon.
Oct 2008 - Air Niugini stops flying to Girua (airport for Oro province - Popondetta)
Oct 2008 - Air Niugini launches new look web site --
Dec 2008 - Air Niugini takes delivery of P2-ANB - Boeing B757 - Official ceremony held on the 20th of December.

Chief Executive -- Wasantha Kumarasiri. Chairman of Air Niugini Limited -- Jimmy Tjeong.
1 January 2009 - young Air Niugini pilot Timothy Houji brutally murdered in downtown Port Moresby on New Year’s Day.
August 2009 - foundation membership drive commenced for Destinations PNG.
October 2009 - Bombardier has announced that Air Niugini has placed a firm order for two Bombardier Q400 NextGen high-speed turboprop airliners and an option for another one. Press release --
23rd November 2009 - Dassault Aviation of France Falcon Jet arrives -- Post Courier News Item -- Images

April 2010 - Air Niugini officially launches Destinations, Papua New Guinea’s first-ever frequent flyer program.
July 2010 - Air Niugini launches new web site design
July 2010 - New Q400 Next Gen aircraft arrives in PNG registered as P2-PXU
26th July 2010 - Boeing B767-341(ER) arrives in Port Moresby registered as P2-PXV
October 2010 - P2-PXT arrives. Q400 Next Gen aircraft
1st Nov 2010 - On the 37th anniversary of Air Niugini - P2-PXU - a Q400 Next Gen makes the first flight to Goroka in the Eastern Highlands province. EHP Governor Mal Kela Smith who was at the airport to welcome the arrival of the new aircraft said the aircraft will now be a change to the whole aspect of the province, especially in tourism where his people will continue to share their ancient traditions and unspoiled landscapes with visitors.

1 January 2011 - New cabin crew uniforms announced in September 2010 are used for the first time. The first trip from Port Moresby to Narita, Japan as well as on incoming flights from other international destinations.
Mar 2011 - De Havilland Canada DHC-8-402Q Dash 8 (c/n 4262 - P2-PXS) arrives
19 April 2011 - Boeing B767 P2-PXW arrives
16 May 2011 - Air Niugini "resumes" flights to Bulolo.
October 2011 - Air Niugini leases Airbus A310 from White Airways (CS-TKI MSN 448)
November 2011 -- Air Niugini has advised international passengers that effective, Tuesday 15th November, checking in of passengers will close 45 minutes prior to departure. Staff at the check-in counter at the airport have been advised to close the counter 45 minutes prior to departure

Air Niugini implements new Airport Check-in and Boarding Pass System
Air Niugini P2-PXI arrives -- De Havilland Canada DHC-8 Dash 8 serial 460 registration P2-PXI (ex C-GFBW N995HA C-FNOQ RA-67261 C-GHQO)
11th July -- P2-PXD arrives Boeing B737 MSN 28007

August 2012 -- Air Niugini launched a new amenity kit for Business Class customers on night flights from Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong and Narita.
21 December 2012 -- P2-PXC (Boeing B737 800) and P2-PXQ - (Dash 8 Q400) arrive to an official welcome at Jackson's International
P2-PXC on arrival at Jackson's on the 21st of December 2012
 P2-PXQ on arrival 21 Dec 2012

Chief Executive -- Wasantha Kumarasiri. Chairman of Air Niugini Limited --
February - A/g Chief Executive -- Simon Foo
May - Online Check-in introduced --
July - Chief Executive -- Simon Foo
Air Niugini welcomes First Retrofit Aircraft P2-PXW
18th July Commencement of Air Niugini’s 2nd Service to Cebu, Philippines
September - Air Niugini appoints new Executive Manager for its Human Resources Division - Rei Logona 40 percent fare implemented to coincide with Air Niugini’s 40th anniversary on 1st November 2013. Between 1st September and 30th November 2013
9th September - Air Niugini welcomes Second Retrofit Aircraft P2-PXV
1st October 2013 -Air Niugini officially launches P2-PXE - Boeing B737-800
12th December 2013 -- Doku Internet Payment Gateway introduced. With the introduction of Doku, all master card and visa card users can now take advantage of the 3D verification technology.

Chief Executive -- Simon Foo
1st January 2014 - New Domestic Flight Schedules introduced --
26th February 2014 - Airline re-introduces its 40 percent airfare as part of the airline's 40th anniversary celebrations.
19th March 2014 - Second Air Niugini employee, Allan Tira from Kokopo, East New Britain wins IFA scholarship. Allan is a Structures and Systems Engineer with the airline.
October 2014 - The airlines signs an e-ticket agreement with Qatar Airlines.
1st November 2014 - On its 41st anniversary Air Niugini launches Link PNG - A Low Cost Carrier based in Port Moresby.
 Link PNG (picture courtesy Eva Arni)
December 2014 - Air Niugini returns to Aropa / Kieta airport after approx 25 years on Saturday 20th December, 2014. Initially there will be three weekly services from Port Moresby to Aropa via Rabaul every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Chief Executive -- Simon Foo
February 2015 Air Niugini, Air Vanuatu and Solomon Airlines sign an initial agreement in Honiara, Solomon Islands to enter into a Tri-partite Code share arrangement on the Port Moresby/Honiara/Port Villa route.
During 2015 Air Niugini increased flights to various locations. The airline added a third weekly service to Hong Kong, effective 29th March, 2015
12 March 2015 - 29 year old Captain Beverly Pakii operated her first commercial fligh. She flew from Port Moresby to Lihir in New Ireland, continued to Tokua airport in East New Britain and then flew back to Port Moresby. Captain Pakii started with Air Niugini as a cadet in 2004.
LinkPNG launches first service to Losuia on Kiriwina Island, Milne Bay with initial flights in March and scheduled commercial services in April.
March / April 2015 - Air Niugini takes delivery of its first Fokker F70 - P2-ANR Construction Number (MSN) 11578. This was previously PH-KZG (F70 fleet). Maiden passenger flight of the Fokker 70 was to Mount Hagen on the 28th of April 2015. the flight was operated by Capt Rhys Maloney and F.O Amini, I think.
November 2015 - Air Niugini announces it will begin operating a second service to Narita, Japan from the 6th of July 2016 it also introduced the Pay Later method of payment
December 2015 - Air Niugini teams up with Flight Centre Australia to sell flights.

Chief Executive -- Simon Foo
August - Air Niugini named one of its Fokker 70 aircraft - "Alotau". The first aircraft was christened Mt Hagen, followed by Hoskins.
September - Air Niugini commences flights to Federated States of Micronesia
October 2016 - Link PNG Introduces "Combi Flights"
12 November 2016 - Air Niugini ‘s has taken delivery of its fifth Fokker 70 aircraft in Port Moresby on Saturday the 12th of November 2016

Chief Executive -- Simon Foo
31 March 2017 - Air Niugini commences direct flights to Townsville in Queensland, Australia. Air Niugini will operate its Townsville flights on Monday and Friday, departing Port Moresby at 9.55am and arriving in Townsville at 11.45am. The return flight will depart Townsville at 12.30pm and arrive in Port Moresby at 2.20pm. --
